The Slavs appear later in the game around 410 A.D. A tribe similar to the Sarmatians (they have the same unit roster) because they are neighbours to the Hunnic hordes north of the Black Sea, they tend be the first faction to fall to the Huns. Similar to the Roman rebels, the Ostrogoths are spawned when a Gothic city revolts. Luckily, the main infantry unit of the Sarmatians, Bosphoran Infantry, are effective warriors against infantry and cavalry this flexibility reduces the need for a larger unit roster. Tribe living northwest of the Black Sea corresponding to modern Ukraine they have high quality cavalry and woman-warriors, yet a very limited selection of infantry. They are capable of adopting Christianity and are able to train mounted priests. Their armies emphasise horsemen with infantry in support. Start as a horde located northwest of the Black Sea. Settled in Rome's former northwest African provinces. They begin in the area of modern Romania, although they are soon displaced by steppe nomads. Their strength lies in their cavalry, although their advanced infantry is of high quality as well. Usually described as sacrificing captured enemies to their pagan god Tyz, in the beginning of the game most of them are already converted to Christianity. All Nomadic factions are able to form a horde. The main drawback of the Nomads is their lack in siege technology. Their infantry should not be discounted, as it is also often of good quality. The Nomad cavalry is overall superior to that of their Western brethren furthermore they have access to highly competent mounted archers. "Nomadic" is an umbrella term it includes both Iranic tribes and eastern Germanic tribes, as well as the Slavs. These barbarian factions start in Eastern Europe. They also have a lack of infrastructure and must often rely on captured buildings such as ports. The Huns have some of the best horses in the game and have very skilled horse archers, however, their infantry selection is limited. They start as a horde near the Roxolani and Alan tribes north of the Black Sea. Their army is primarily made up of large units of cavalry with high endurance. The Hunnic faction is distinct from the Nomadic factions, for they are only represented by the fearsome Huns themselves.